chanel 1112 rhombic lambskin gold metal 25.5*15*7.5 cm
US$ 95.00
Darn I wish I had been coming here all along. I have 8 chanel replicas and 3 real chanel bags. Next to my real double flap this looks so good it passes my looks test. AND it's cheaper than some of the bags I bought elsewhere that look horrible now that I've got this one. I will for sure be back!
Exquisite leather! Comfortable to carry and easy to access the inside. It is so beautiful. Received my order very quickly. I purchased the light color and it is sleek and stylish. Very good valuea nd an excellent bag. Note: would be even better if it had a key to the lock, so it can't be removed but not a big deal. Love this bag.
This handbag is the best value ever for a quality replica. The leather (?) if it's faux is beautiful. It is soft and pebbled exquisitely. Loads of room inside and especially perfect for travel. Putting on the tassel is a bit of a challenge but got it done. It's a super buy!
Omg I am obsessed, the bag is beautiful. I did lots of research before purchasing and this bag looks pretty identical to the real deal. Amazing quality I own some real pieces and the material feels exact. Packaging it came in was very cute as well!
So so so close to genuine. They’ll never print serials on the back leather for obvious reasons but without that and the leather holding the clasp being slightly shorter it’s an easy spot next to a gen.
That said, the build quality is amazing, the interior is replicated well albeit with slight colour variation and the pattern came nice.
My true intention for purchase was hoping this would come with a slightly smaller shape. Unfortunately the huge crown size is replicated perfectly too.
Boxed, dust bag and bag
Just beautiful
That said, the build quality is amazing, the interior is replicated well albeit with slight colour variation and the pattern came nice.
My true intention for purchase was hoping this would come with a slightly smaller shape. Unfortunately the huge crown size is replicated perfectly too.
The only difference between this and a genuine is the wearer.
This one’s a bad batch and should be avoided. Seek out something more popular for better results.
4 Star rating is to pass filters. True rating 1.5 - Pattern is good, strap good quality and interior 1:1.